Anasayfa / Facial Aesthetics / Aesthetic Eyelid

Kategori Aesthetic Eyelid


The thinnest skin on our body is at the eyelids. For this reason the earliest signs of aging will be evident at the eyelids. Loose skin and puffy bags are seen at both upper and lower eyelids. The excess fat tissues are evident at the lower eyelid and are visible as fat bags and swelling. All these changes give the patient a tired and sad expression. In some cases the loose skin on the upper eyelid is even restricting the vision area of the eye. These unwanted, age related changes can be restored by an operation called Blepharoplasty. Although it is a small sized intervention, the results are changing the expression of the face impressively.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and will last for 20-40 minutes, where excess skin and fat tissue will be removed and closed by aesthetic sutures. After the operation the patient may have black eyes for four days. The patient can take a shower on the second day and may put on make-up on the third day to cover the color changes at the eyes. On the fifth day the stitches will be removed. No scars will remain visible. The patient will return home right after the procedure.