Anasayfa / Body Aesthetics / Mini Tummy - Tuck (Mini Abdominoplasty)

Kategori Mini Tummy - Tuck (Mini Abdominoplasty)


What is a mini tummy tuck ?

Often after child birth or weight changes it results in loose, excess skin at the lower abdomen area. Exercise & diet may have no effect  tightening this loose, excess skin.  Whilst a full tummy tuck removes larger quantities of skin & fat whilst tightening the deep layer of stomach muscles the mini tummy tuck works on the lower stomach area only removing the excess skin & fat that rolls over the top of the jeans!

Who is a suitable candidate for a mini tummy tuck ? If your skin laxity, sagginess & muscle weakness are limited to the area below the belly button you may be suitable for this procedure. 


How long does a mini tummy tuck last?

Results of a mini tummy tuck can be seen immediately and results are long lasting providing it is supported by a healthy diet & lifestyle and no massive weight changes in the future.

How is the mini tummy tuck performed?

This procedure is similar to that of a standard abdominoplasty however the incision only extends to include excision of the excess skin & fat from the lower abdominal area. Many expect a scar of only 4-5cms but this is not possible, it must be long enough to include the excess skin. (Usually 14-20cms)

Duration of operation 1 - 1,5 hrs ( general anaesthetic / sedation)

Hospital stay  - Often a stay is not necessary however we recommend 1night in hospital.

How is a mini tummy tuck performed? 

This usually involves an incision made across the lower abdomen just above the pubic area, from here excess skin & fat are removed and tightened.

What  should İ expect immediately after a mini tummy tuck?

Your tummy may feel tight, sore & discomfort. These are normal and will pass within 2-4 days. Expect minimal bruising & swelling & the wearing of a medical wrap garment for upto a month following the procedure. Recovery from a mini tummy tuck is a lot quicker than that of the standard abdominoplasty as muscles are not treated, minimal liposuction is usually necessary & the belly button is not repositioned.

How long will it be before i can get back to my normal life? 

Recovery as always after any cosmetic surgery procedure should not be rushed and anyone undetgoing this should listen to their body, when it hurts or tells you that you are tired, rest!  Light exercise may commence after 1 month and a full routine after 3 months. Although visable immediately final results can be seen after 6 months.  A 7 night stay is recommended in Turkey following the procedure and most can return to work after a week

Can a mini tummy tuck be performed without scar? 

A tummy tuck, mini or otherwise leaves a scar, the results of a cosmetic surgery procedure however the scar from the mini tummy tuck is a lot shorter than that of a full tummy tuck, made as low as possible above the pubis it can usually be hidden by underwear until fully recoverd 12 months after surgery.

Only suitable to those with minimal excess skin & fat at the lower abdominal area when combined with liposuction which removes excess fat a mini tummy tuck restores  good contour, a trimmer, thinner waistline and a slim,  younger appearance. Performed as a single procedure a mini tummy tuck is also be combined with breast shaping, eyelid & facial surgery.